Our Services
Culture Change and Employee Experience
Culture is the driving force within any organization. It creates unity and cohesion, shapes ways of working, directs mindset and attitude. So it’s absolutely essential that culture aligns with purpose and strategy. It’s no longer enough to create a great place to work: we need places that create great work. A culture that fosters the ways of working you need to thrive and succeed; and one that actively supports true inclusion, to ensure all are welcome and are enabled to be the best they can be.
Qualitative research
We take a deeply empathetic and human-centred approach to our research, using an array of creative approaches to truly understand the lived reality of employees, and to unearth the vision and ambition of leaders. Using a mix of live and virtual hacks, hot-houses, workshops and listening groups we unearth important truths and powerful insights.
Target Culture definition
At the heart of any people strategy lies a clear ambition for your culture; an articulation and encapsulation of the kind of business you’re trying to create, and the kind of behaviours you’re trying to foster. This target culture needs to be drawn from a deep understanding of what the business and your customers demand from your people, from the principles of your purpose and values, and from the vision of your leaders.
Behaviours framework
The ideas expressed in your purpose, vision and values count for little unless they are brought to life in the everyday actions and behaviours of your people. Our frameworks map out not only the intended expressions of those ideas, but also provide guidance around what it looks like when you take them too far – or not far enough.
Activation planning
We begin by mapping the employee journey to identify the moments that matter – and what needs to change to align the experience with the promise. From the insights generated we develop a plan for activation, setting workstreams, owners, actions and timeframes, identifying quick wins that build momentum and belief.
Culture handbook
Employees hugely value the clarity and direction that a culture book brings: it acts as a simple guide that connects and translates values, purpose and mission into ways of working that everyone can follow – as well as illustrating the kind of business that collectively you’re trying to create.
Managers toolkit
Management and people leaders often face the greatest pressure within the business. Tasked with both responding to day to day operational pressures, at the same time as trying to align their teams with the business’s strategic goals, they are often left stretched and under-equipped. Our toolkits are designed to help support them with practical advice, ideas and assets.
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